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January 7, 2025 Update

Happy New Year from the Sunshine crew. We can see that you're logging in to see what's happening so here's the story. Like usual, we're running a bit behind. Nobody got long COVID this year, just got their car totalled instead. We are still on track to have the basics up and running by the time that budgets are approved at the end of the month. Some of the fancier features will get rolled out later. Remember that people can log in to update their contact information anytime.

We have a new help desk: sunshinehelpdesk@oregoncountryfair.org. This is for Sunshine software assistance; not for getting extra passes or advice on bringing your parrot to the Fair. We're rolling out a lot of changes over the next few months with the plan being to have everything in place by the end of the year. Keep in mind that for most of these changes you can look but you can't touch because changes are disabled until next year.


Enter your username and email address and click the Send Password Reset button. You will receive a password reset email at that address if both the username and email match our records. Call the office help desk if you can't remember your information.

Summary of Changes