Happy New Year from the Sunshine crew. We can see that you're logging in to see what's happening so
here's the story. Like usual, we're running a bit behind. Nobody got long COVID this year, just got
their car totalled instead. We are still on track to have the basics up and running by the time that
budgets are approved at the end of the month. Some of the fancier features will get rolled out later.
Remember that people can log in to update their contact information anytime.
We have a new help desk: sunshinehelpdesk@oregoncountryfair.org.
This is for Sunshine software assistance; not for getting extra passes or advice on bringing your parrot to the Fair.
We're rolling out a lot of changes over the next few months with the plan being to have everything in place by the end of the year.
Keep in mind that for most of these changes you can look but you can't touch because changes are disabled until next year.
Summary of Changes
For those of you that have access to a large number of budget line items
and have clicked + to expand things, you can collapse all of them by
pressing the Escape key on your keyboard.
There's a new button on the top bar that looks like a QR code.
If we can get the power and internet reliable enough we're going paperless at the sticker booth.
Clicking the button gets you a QR code that you can bring on your phone
so that you can check in quickly as if you're boarding an airplane but
without the people sporting rubber gloves.
The "All subcrews are shifts" and "All subcrews are not shifts" entries
have been removed from the line item menu.
In their place a new ⧺ button has been added next to the + button for expanding line items except at the top level.
When you click + it behaves like "All subcrews are not shifts" used to.
When you click ⧺ it behaves like "All subcrews are shifts" used to.
⧺ gives you subcrew selectors for people so that it's easy to move them between subcrews.
You can also now click on the name of the responsible party for a dependent to select a different dependent.
Again, this will give you cryptic error messages for now since you're not allowed to make changes.
You can now sort crew/booth lists by most columns.
The ones that you can't will be dealt with later.
If the column header glows when you hover over it you can click on it to get a sort low-to-high and sort high-to-low menu.
If the column data begins with a digit it is sorted numerically, otherwise alphabetically.
Sorting is case-independent.
If you're sorting a column with a menu it's sorted in the order to the menu items so things like tee shirt sizes will
come out in smallest to largest order.
Sorting is done in a way that minimizes changes to the tables.
If you're already sorted by last name and sort by tee shirt size, the table will be sorted first by size and then by name.
This allows you to order your table using multiple columns.
Right now, the only way to reset a table to its original order is to close and reopen it.
Also, while you will eventually be able to save and restore your table settings that's not done yet.
Last year if you logged in you had a set of permissions over certain parts of the budget.
This didn't work very well, for example when someone was both a Coordinator of a crew and needed access to booth data.
This has been addressed by allowing people to have multiple identities that they can switch between.
Your current identity is display in the upper-left, and if you have more than one clicking will bring
up a menu that you can use to switch between them.
The way that System Administration works has changed some so that identities can be assigned and removed.